We’ll Support You in so Many Ways!

  • The Assessment

    One of the first things we like to do is get to know you as an individual. Understanding your strengths, opportunities and the people who support you is crucial to identifying the best way to help. We’ll establish initial goals and discuss the best way to achieve them. This will give you the encouragement necessary to believe in your future!

  • Day to Day Support

    We’ll all have the opportunity to create a schedule and communication cadence that works best for you. The combination of technology with safe in-person meetings allows you to feel connected and supported on a regular basis. Imagine getting assistance with booking and attending doctor appointments. Now imagine being taught how to compare prices when grocery shopping. That’s just a small example of how we are doing any and everything necessary so you can independently participate in your community.

  • Celebrating Milestones

    No accomplishment is too small to recognize! You will become a part of our CES family and we’ll make sure you feel it. Celebrating your gradual improvements in life is ingrained into our culture. We can’t wait to start working with you. There is no better feeling than seeing how far you’ve come. It’s inspiring!

Let’s discuss what you need and how we can help!